14.08.2014 21:27 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Higher-End 4.7 and 5.5-Inch iPhone 6 to Get Sapphire Displays, Higher Price Tags

Apple has plans to use a sapphire crystal display in the higher-end models of the two versions of the iPhone 6 that it plans to debut this fall, reports . Because of the higher cost of sapphire, Apple may also charge more for the high-end versions of the devices.Multiple iPhone 6 rumors have speculated that sapphire could be constrained to either the larger 5.5-inch iPhone 6 or the higher-end models due to cost and production issues, but is the first mainstream publication to confirm those rumors. If Apple is only planning to use sapphire in the higher-end models of the 4.7 and 5.5-inch iPhone 6, that could explain why a sandpaper test on a leaked iPhone 6 front panel revealed that it was not made of pure sapphire. Apple is investing a considerable amount of money into partner GT Advanced’s sapphire plant, shelling out more than $500 million to outfit the factory with high-output furnaces for sapphire production. Rumors have suggested GT Advanced has the capability to eventually produce enough sapphi

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