24.04.2013 20:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Snapzoom Kickstarter wants to marry your iPhone with binoculars or a telescope

Your iPhone's camera is great for those wide angle or panoramic shots, but the lens just isn't that wonderful for telephoto images. Daniel Fujikake and Mac Nguyen of HI Resolution Enterprises discovered quite by accident that by holding an iPhone camera up to a pair of binoculars, they could get some amazing video and still images of surfing action. Out of that realization came an inspiration for a universal smartphone adapter that connects to binoculars, telescopes, or spotting scopes to give your phone "bionic eyes". That product is now a Kickstarter called Snapzoom that just launched today and is looking for your support. Fujikake and Nguyen hope to rai

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