24.02.2012 22:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Report: Apple's iOS accounts for 35% of mobile ad impressions

Apple's share of the overall mobile market seems to be heading dramatically upward, at least according to inMobi. The company measures how ads they serve (almost 100 million ads deployed each month) are filtered onto mobile devices. The figures are striking. Apple's share of ad impressions went from 23.2% in October of 2011 to 35% in January of 2012. At the same time, Android devices declined 3.2%. That's a reversal from a year ago when Android was topping the list. Android has also slipped 8.9% to an 11.6% share. The company also measures the top 3 handsets and they are all Apple products. The Apple iPhone 4, the first generation iPad, and the iPod touch are the devices that view the most advertising.

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