17.01.2012 00:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Must See HDTV (January 16th - 22nd)

After a CES related hiatus, we're back, and just in time for the premieres of a few of our favorite shows. Since we've been busy watching demo reels instead of what's on, feel free to let us know if we missed anything important during our Las Vegas trip (is anyone watching The Firm? Is it good?)Look below for the highlights this week, followed after the break by our weekly listing of what to look out for in TV, Blu-ray and videogames.AlcatrazThe latest show from J.J. Abrams (Lost, Fringe) finds a San Francisco where some of the most dangerous inmates of the infamous prison are suddenly reappearing on the streets. We'd explain the plot further, but given its creator there's probably no point. Given his track record, i

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