03.01.2012 21:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Rossmorr i23 HD interactive display tablet offers up high new year's resolution

Been eyeing the tablet sweetness that is the Wacom Cintiq 24HD, but not quite ready to make the financial investment that comes with it? Oregon-based Morgan Ross Egging has begun shipping the Rossmorr i23 HD. The 23-inch tablet offers up a 1920 x 1200 resolution (compare that the 24HD's 1920 x 1080) IPS display. In order to use the tablet, you'll need a separate Windows, OS X or Linux computer. The Rossmorr i23 HD will run you $1,999, which is about $500 cheaper than the Wacom -- a company with which, Morgan Ross Egging is careful to point out, it has no affiliation. Of course, the company has only been creating custom tab

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