21.09.2011 19:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: (Not) on the road again

They say travel is broadening, and in my case, that's true. I mean, take a look at the picture here -- I've gained a bit of weight on this trip! My wife and I have just returned from a 17-day trip that took us from Denver to such fascinating destinations as Venice, Debrovnik (Croatia), Chios (Greece), and Istanbul. As usual, I used the trip to reflect on travel and technology, and that is the topic of today's TUAW TV Live. I want to thank Kelly Guimont and Doc Rock for filling in for me the last two weeks. I'm sure the two of 'em did a great job and kept you entertained! As usual, I'll

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