15.09.2011 19:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Archos G9 tablets doing the pre-sale thing September 20th

We got our paws on the two upcoming Archos Android 3.2 tablets the other week at IFA -- and now it seems that you'll be able to follow suit in the near future, with pre-sale beginning September 20th. The Archos eight-inch G9 starts at $299 for the 1GHz 8GB version, going all the way up to $369 for a 1.5GHz processor and a whopping 250GB of storage. The 10-incher has a 1.5GHz processor and 16GB of storage for $399 or you can plunk down $469 for the 250GB version. The 1GHz 80 G9 starts pre-sale on September 20th through Archos and goes on sale at select retailers on the 30th. Its 1.5GHz counterpart will be hitting in October. Press inf

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