15.09.2011 18:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Belkin intros three ways to turn your iPad into a pricey kitchen accessory

Belkin showed off a trio of accessories last night aimed at incorporating your shiny Apple tablet into your kitchen routine. At the top of the list is the Chef Stand + Stylus, a $40 table top stand with a rubbery stylus that lets you use the iPad without dirtying it up with your greasy mitts. The stylus lives in a holster on the stand's rear. The $40 Fridge Mount turns the iPad into a $500 grocery list, securing the slate to your fridge door with 3M Command Strips. The Kitchen Cabinet Mount is the priciest of the bunch at $50 -- but is arguably the handiest, or at least most versatile, clamping the iPad to a cabinet or shelf.

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