15.09.2011 04:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sharp FX Plus venturing beyond Walmart this month, we go hands-on

If you haven't heard of the Sharp FX Plus, you must not be the type to troll the halls of your local Walmart. The phone went on sale there a few weeks back, and a PCD rep just confirmed it'll soon venture outside Walmart's massive aisles, hitting select AT&T stores by the end of the month. We spotted it tonight as we were wandering around a New York City media event. There it was, sitting on a lone table, overshadowed by the likes of the HTC Thunderbolt and Incredible 2. Alas, the device on hand wasn't active, so we didn't get to peek the software / performance, but hit the break for some quickie impressions of just how much har

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