28.05.2011 23:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Blackbox Case for iPad 2 is beautiful, unique and tactile

Of all of the bloggers here at TUAW, I probably see more iPad cases than anyone else. I've reviewed both the ridiculous -- a case I refused to write up after it literally ripped apart as I was installing it -- and the sublime. The Blackbox Case for iPad 2 (US$99) is one of the latter, and if you're looking for a unique and beautiful iPad 2 case for yourself or as a gift for a friend, you should consider this product. I am a person who appreciates the fine details of well-made products, and for that very reason I fell in love with the Blackbox Case the moment I opened the package. Each case comes wrapped in a burlap bag, with a hand-numbered certificate welcoming you to the family attached with twine to the outside. Just opening the case is an

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