27.05.2011 01:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Vodafone truck can recharge 2,000 devices at once, is coming to an Isle of Wight near you

Nothing like a dead battery to kill your Foursquare buzz at a summer concert, eh? Vodafone feels your pain and so, in an act of brilliant PR, is rolling out a 40-foot truck capable of charging up to 2,000 devices simultaneously. Peeking inside the 44-ton station, it's hard (for us, anyway) not to think of a bowling alley with cubbies, except they aren't filled with rental clown shoes, but outlets ready to revive iPhones, BlackBerrys, Nokia handsets, and a host of Android phones. The service is free, and the carrier expects to charge roughly 72,000 handsets this summer alone. All told, our friends in the UK will get 11 chances this year to try it out, with the first public outing coming at t

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