26.05.2011 17:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Live from the Google Wallet press event!

Okay, so we're not totally sure Google will be unveiling its Google Wallet contactless payment system, but we're rather certain that whatever the company has to unveil will have something to do with paying for things using a wallet that doesn't contain physical money yet features some sort of Google branding. Would you like to know more? Join us for the full liveblog experience at the times below: 06:00 - Hawaii 09:00 - Pacific 10:00 - Mountain 11:00 - Central 12:00 - Eastern 17:00 - London 18:00 - Paris 20:00 - Moscow 00:00 - Perth 00:00 - Shenzhen 01:00 - To

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