17.05.2011 23:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Unannounced Samsung 'Hercules' headed to T-Mobile, bearing godlike specs?

The Samsung Infuse 4G is a beautiful 4.5-inch tabletphone, but it's not for the spec junkies of the world -- a single-core processor and Android 2.2 just don't impress such folk these days, regardless of actual performance. However, This is my next reports Samsung's cooking up a handset that ticks all the boxes on the superphone list -- a beast of a smartphone it's tentatively calling the "Hercules." Mind you, we're still in rumor territory, but feast your inner speed demon on the possibility of these: a dual-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon APQ8060 processor (the same

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