17.05.2011 01:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Munster: Mac sales off to 'slow' start in April, but Q3 looks good

Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster issued a report on Apple's Mac sales so far this quarter. According to U.S. sales data compiled by NPD, Apple was off to a "slow" start in April, with only 9% year over year growth from April 2010 sales. However, Munster points out that by the same timeframe in 2010 Apple had updated their MacBook and MacBook Pro lines, which spiked sales. This year so far only the MacBook Pros have been updated. Wall Street is expecting Apple to post 22% sales growth for Q3, which ends in June. Munster says Apple shouldn't have a problem hitting that number, despite the slow April start. Munster says the "Comps [com

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