14.05.2011 16:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

RoadAhead is a different and clever nav app

One of the joys of writing for TUAW is being able to devote some time to finding apps that are unique and make life easier for our readers. I especially like to find free apps, so here's my latest contribution. RoadAhead is a free iOS app that looks up highway exits in your travel and lets you know what services are coming up. You can get everything or narrow your search down to categories such as coffee, ATMs, rest areas, or even ice cream and pharmacies. The app will also find service stations and will usually list gas prices so you can compare. When you are at the exit, you can select your destination on a Google-sourced map. Tap again you'll get transferred to the Google Maps app with your route highlighted. The app also provides a contact

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