02.05.2011 16:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Image spotted on Apple's website hints at iWork '11

A small misstep by Apple in a MacBook Air image hints at the rumored iWork 11 suite. Located directly above the iPhoto image in the right sidebar is a reference to the rumored productivity suite. Rumors coming fast and furious last year pointed to a January launch of the iWork 11 applications along with the Mac App Store. While the OS X App Store debuted on time, the suite of applications which include Pages '11, Numbers '11 and Keynote '11 did not materialize. This above image does not guarantee iWork '11 will appear in the immediate future. It merely suggests the productivity suite is still on Apple's radar. Fingers-crossed it will get some love at WWDC. Thanks, @

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