02.05.2011 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Motorola promises more Atrix-like laptop docks for future phones

Motorola's Atrix 4G laptop dock was a seriously sweet concept, which is why we were so disappointed when it failed to pan out. Sounds like Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha is ready to give it another try, though -- on the company's earnings results call this past week, he told investors that Moto is planning a whole series of Lapdock devices in the second half of the year: You will see multiple devices from us in the second half launching with these capabilities, and we will expand the range of our Lapdock devices so we cover a broader price point, addressing both the enterprise premium tier as well as more consumer tiers. "We plan on introducing successive iterations of our Webtop software and accessories that incorporate improved productivit

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