28.04.2011 22:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Scosche freeKEY Bluetooth keyboard: flexible and splashproof

Have you ever wanted to spill water onto your Bluetooth keyboard? Of course not. But that doesn't mean that some day you might not accidentally dump an icy glass of sweet tea onto the keyboard or have one of the kids decide to give Mr. Keyboard a bath in the toilet. Schosche's new freeKEY Bluetooth keyboard (US$59.99) doesn't mind spills, although a swim in the loo might prove too much. The chiclet-type keyboard rolls up like a frightened armadillo for compact travel and is made of a water-resistant silicone material. When it gets wet, simply shake it off. Chiclet keyboards have been known to be typing-unfriendly in the past, so you may want to try one out at a local retailer before buying. The fr

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