28.04.2011 16:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Mario clone in App Store, place your bets for how long

You gotta be kidding. I am dying to know who, exactly, at Apple is unfamiliar with Mario the plumber. An intern born in the 90s, maybe? At any rate, go grab this platformer featuring Moninio, whose brother was captured by Bowler and is being kept in a castle. Sound familiar? It's like a mirror universe, I know. Given how much the iPod touch and iPhone have been hurting Nintendo's DS sales, we're likely going to have to wait until the Japanese game company stops making hardware altogether to see a real Mario franchise appear on iOS. Until then (and until someone at Cupertino wakes up to an irritated email), you'll have this game. Honestly I'm not wasting the 99-cents on it, as the reviews clearly point out the controls are atrocious. You can't have a decent platformer

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