21.04.2011 08:22 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW TV Live: Results call preview and this week's Apple news

When you're a huge force in the world economy, people tend to pay attention to how well (or how poorly) you're doing. That's why TUAW is covering today's Apple Q2 2011 results call with a special liveblog at 5 PM EDT, and that's also why TUAW TV Live is on the air two hours early today. During today's show, I'll discuss the expected news from Apple, after which you and I can have a nice chat about the news from our favorite Apple hardware and software vendors. Note that we're still using the traditional Ustream tools this week. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a cha

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