21.04.2011 08:22 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Apple announces record revenue for 2nd quarter FY11

Ahead of today's 5pm conference call, Apple released its earnings report for the second quarter of fiscal 2011 (otherwise known as the first calendar quarter). Profit number: $5.99B in the quarter. Total revenue for the quarter is US$24.6 billion, versus 13.5B year-over-year. Earnings per diluted share comes in at $6.40, versus $3.33 last year. Forecasting $23B revenue for the next quarter. Product sales numbers rolled in as follows: 28% up year over year in Macs with 3.76M sold in the quarter, 18.6M iPhones (113% unit growth), 9.02M iPods (including the iPod touch) and 4.69M iP

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