21.04.2011 08:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Samsung announces 'multi-proof' W200 Pocket Cam with 1080p recording

Cisco may not have seen a bright future in the pocket camcorder business, but it seems that Samsung would be to differ -- it's just announced its new W200 Pocket Cam, which it proudly boasts is "multi-proof." That means it will hold up in harsh conditions and keep on working underwater (up to three meters deep, at least), and capture some full 1080p video in the process. You'll also get 5 megapixel still images from the camera, a microSD card slot to store them on (no internal storage, it seems), a 2.3-inch 'round back, and the usual built-in USB connector. Still no word on a price,

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