19.04.2011 16:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Bang & Olfusen's BeoVision 4-85 TV combines 3D and Full HD with superfluous sleekness

Bang & Olfusen's new BeoVision 4-85 isn't just another run-of-the-mill 3D TV for the unwashed masses. It's a really pretty 3D TV, for the refined and the opulent. The 85-inch plasma screen comes encased in a high-grade aluminum frame, and combines anti-reflection coating with automated image controls, to guarantee crystal clear, Full HD viewing at any time of day. B&O's first foray into the 3D/Full HD realm also features a BeoLab 10 central loudspeaker, which uses Acoustic Lens Technology to deliver consistently high-frequency sounds, regardless of where you're sitting in relation to the speaker. And, much like its

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