12.04.2011 23:37 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Pieceable Viewer lets devs share iOS apps, personal feelings through a browser

For developers not quite ready to offer their iOS creations in the App Store, a new service promises to suck the grunt work out of bouncing works-in-progress off others. Pieceable Viewer is the magical program in question, launching today to let devs publish a copy of their apps to a private website, whose link they can share with beta testers, clients, and fellow code monkeys. Viewer generates a single line of code for sharing and, irony of all ironies, uses Flash to simulate apps inside the browser. It could be compelling for freelancers working with clients who don't happen to own an iPhone, and, adds the company's CEO, it helps devs circumvent Apple's 100-device limit. All this from a company whose existing product enables people with no coding experi

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