12.04.2011 21:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Mac OS X Lion to tone down the Aqua

The Aqua interface has been a staple of Mac OS X since version 10.0, but now it appears that Apple is toning down the aqua appearance of its operating system in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. As you can see from the screen shot above, Apple has removed a lot of the aqua trimmings from drop-down menus, they've also taken the pill-shaped aqua buttons and given them a more flat, rectangular appearance. In addition to the changes above, Lion has also stripped out OS X's aqua scroll bars and replaced them with iOS-like scroll bars which fade away when not in use. The white pill button found in the upper-right corner of a Finder or app's window, which shows or hides a window's toolbar, has also now been replace with a full screen button. I'm a fan of the new look myself. I'm glad Apple hasn't

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