12.04.2011 11:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

HTC Sensation leaked by Vodafone: 4.3-inch QHD SLCD and 1.2GHz dual-core processor are go

Would you look at that, HTC's latest worst kept secret is live on Vodafone UK's website. So here's the scoop: 4.3-inch QHD (540 x 960 pixel) SLCD display, 1.2 megapixel front-facing camera augmented with an 8 megapixel shooter with dual-LED flash around back, 1.2GHZ (dual-core) processor, 4GB of internal memory with an extra 8GB supplied on memory card. Stick around, we'll have hands-on with the latest Android Sensation from the HTC launch event later in the day. [Thanks, Chris H.]

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