09.04.2011 15:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Chef Sleeve for iPad: The iPad 2 meets a raw egg (video)

Longtime readers of TUAW know that I love to cook, and when I'm not whipping something up from scratch I use my iPad to read recipes that I've stored on Dropbox. I've been extremely lucky using my iPad in the kitchen; about the worst thing I've ever done is to smear the screen with greasy fingers and dribble a small amount of wine-infused mushroom pan sauce on it. But I am really worried that one of these days, my luck's going to run out and that iPad 2 is going to end up with a ladleful of Bison Chili on -- and in -- it. Some cyberchefs have taken to putting their iPads into gallon zip top bags to protect them, but I've found that the thickness of those bags means that my taps and gestures s

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