07.04.2011 20:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Britain's oldest working television goes up for auction

What's 75 years old, made of wood, and largely the result of some secret military radar research? The Marconiphone 702 television pictured above, which is believed to be the oldest working television in Britain, and possibly the world. It was tracked down by a collector a few years ago, and is now set to go up for auction on April 19th at Bonhams in London, where it has an estimated sale price of £5,000 but is expected to sell for "much more." That will buy you a 12-inch screen that actually has its image reflected on a mirror in the lid, along with most of the original parts -- only about 30 percent have been replaced to get the set functional again. It can even receive digital channels with the aid

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