07.04.2011 20:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

ASUS refreshes Lamborghini VX7 with Sandy Bridge, mercifully offers a black option

Just in time for Spring, ASUS has refreshed its Lamborghini VX7, a staple in the company's line of notebooks (and fugly smartphones) inspired by the storied Italian car maker. Available in orange and a more staid black, this 8.4-pound beast packs a quad-core Sandy Bridge Intel Core i7 processor, Full HD 15.6-inch display, discrete NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M graphics with 3GB of video memory, up to 16GB of RAM, an 8-cell battery, one USB 3.0 port (along with three USB 2.0 ones), HDMI output, a 2 megapixel webcam, and hard drive space ranging from 500GB to 750GB with speeds of either 5,400RPM

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