06.04.2011 23:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW TV Live: An appointment with the Doc

Looking for a way to spend an hour and hopefully learn something new? Today on TUAW TV Live, me and Doc Rock are going to throw out some topics to discuss; plus. we'll give you our opinions on everything Apple. I've got some new products that have been delivered to the TUAW TV studios, so Doc and I will hash out the pros and cons of these and other items that are new to the Mac, iPad, iPhone, and iPod world. We've also come up with a selection of new apps to toss around for your viewing pleasure. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would li

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