06.04.2011 22:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Toshiba's Satellite L Series continues its world tour, adds 2D-to-3D conversion

Back at CES, Toshiba unveiled a batch of low-cost Satellite L Series laptops in the US, and now it's taking its show on the road, with new models on tap for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. These include the 13.3-inch L730 and L735, the 15.6-inch L750 and L755, and, if you're hankering for a desktop replacement, the hulking 17.3-inch L770 and L775. This latest spin on the L Series boasts 3D support, connecting to 3DTVs over HDMI and, in some cases, converting 2D content to 3D. As in the States, shoppers abroad can add up to 8GB of RAM, and will get their choice of Intel Core i3 and Core i5 processo

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