01.04.2011 13:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Apple debuts iWarp: 'Interstellar travel for the rest of us'

Apple has unveiled a revolutionary new product that promises to change the way we travel forever. Dubbed iWarp, Apple's latest creation is a matter-antimatter reactor only one inch thick that can transport a crew of seven humans to Alpha Centauri and back on a single charge. "For decades, we've been stuck in low Earth orbit in big, clunky spaceships. They were slow, expensive, unreliable and just not a whole lot of fun to fly. But the iWarp changes all of that. It's interstellar travel for the rest of us," Apple CEO Steve Jobs told reporters and tech bloggers gathered at Apple's "data center" in North Carolina. That data center has in fact turned out to be a state-of-the-art advanced physics research facility where, over the past few years, Apple's engineers have learned to harness Jobs' famous Reality Distortion Field for practical

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