31.03.2011 16:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

HTC invites us to 'see what's next' on April 12th

Would you look at what dropped in our inbox this morning? Good old HTC is cooking up a little somethin' somethin' for an April 12th launch in London town, for an event kicking off at 1.30PM GMT or 8.30AM ET. While consulting our solar calendars, we noticed that's when Microsoft's MIX 2011 developer gathering is also getting started, but we're sure it's just a coincidence and HTC isn't about to spring a battery of new Windows Phone 7 devices on us. In fact, if you stare at the invite's image long enough, you might just convince yourself you're looking at a bulging smartphone screen, which could indicate we're talking about the

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