30.03.2011 05:20 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Rumor: BlackBerry Messenger to land in the App Store on April 26

Rumblings of an iPhone version of BlackBerry messenger surfaced earlier this month from an unidentified source that provided a tip to BGR. Another unconfirmed source has stepped forward with additional information on the MacRumors forums that points to an April 26 debut of the BlackBerry Messenger app in the App Store. This latest information purportedly comes from an attendee of a social media conference hosted by RIM in Toronto. During the presentation, RIM's Co-CE Jim Balsillie reportedly told those in attendance that BBM would make its way to the iOS App Store on April 26. The source also claims the app would be updated this summer with a new notification system. This last

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