29.03.2011 07:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

WWDC 2011 ticket shows up on eBay

Well, if you weren't quick enough to get a ticket to this year's WWDC, this just mightmake you angry. A developer is selling an unactivated extra ticket on eBay for the Buy It Now price of $3,500. That's $1,900 more than the original $1,599 cost. The eBay seller says the ticket is one he bought for a colleague who can't make it this year. It's great that he wants to give another dev who missed out on a ticket the chance of going, but trying to make a buck off it? Come on. (We thought about putting in a link to the auction itself, but decided that was just bad form. -Ed) Now before anyone gets too hopeful (or angry), I'm certain that Apple is going to put an end to this auction quicker than it can pull an app from t

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