29.03.2011 01:20 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Analysts: Apple may have sold between 5-9 million iPad 2s in two weeks

The week after the iPad 2 went on sale, I kept expecting Apple to issue a press release announcing that they had sold a million iPad 2s within X number of days (Apple sold about two million of the first version in the first 60 days). However, the first week passed and now, more than two weeks later, Apple has yet to announce any iPad 2 sales. This leads me to believe that Apple won't be announcing any iPad 2 numbers until their next financial conference call later in April. Of course, lack of hard numbers from Apple doesn't keep analysts from guesstimating just how many iPad 2s were sold in the last two weeks of Apple's fiscal Q2. Philip Elmer-DeWit

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