28.03.2011 21:20 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

FaceTime is the star in The Blue Stones music video

And now for something completely different: a music video featuring FaceTime on an pair of iPhone 4s. Canadian duo The Blue Stones created their video for the song "I'm A Stereo" using the iPhone 4s, FaceTime, and strategically-placed duct tape. The latter was used to cover up the name info on the phones, but there's no hiding the fact that the band members are guitarist/vocalist Tarek Jafar and drummer/backup vocalist Justin Tessier. It's a pretty catchy song and video, and shows once again just how embedded Apple technology is in our popular culture. Enjoy the video on the next page, and remember when these guys become The Next Big Thing that you saw 'em here on TUAW. Thanks to everybody who sent this

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