28.03.2011 20:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Analysis: 100 million iPhone 5s could be sold

It's no secret that Apple's iPhone is a runaway hit. But if past history can determine future success, you ain't seen nothin' yet. The word comes down from Asymco analyst Horace Didieu. In a whimsically-named report titled "Predicting iPhone Sales for Dummies," Didieu looked at sales data from all iPhone models to date, and noted that they followed a specific trend as old model production transitioned into building the new model. Based on the trends, Didieu made some rough forecasts -- the iPhone 4 will sell anywhere from 60 to 65 million units before the next iPhone debuts, and it has at least one more quarter of production life left (although some websites are pushing the iPhone 5 launch back to 2012). Over at

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