28.03.2011 01:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

HTC Flyer headed to T-Mobile, according to marketing scrapbook?

Sprint may not be the only US carrier spreading its wings with an HTC tablet this summer, oh no -- promotional materials obtained by PocketNow point to the HTC Flyer launching with T-Mobile as well. Though the marketing mockups don't prove that Madam Magenta will actually be offering the 7-inch Gingerbread tablet with Scribe stylus (or distinguish between T-Mobile USA and its European counterparts, for that matter), the carrier's clearly given it a lot of thought, and HTC's spec sheet for the Flyer has indeed listed the AWS bands necessary to carry T-Mobile USA's 3G data since day one. Sneak a peek at what T-Mobile's in-stor

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