25.03.2011 23:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Wham-O's Frisbee Forever iOS app promises to change backyard fun... forever

If there's one thing the iPhone needs -- and we mean exactly one thing -- it's clearly a Frisbee app. Er, Frisbee(R) app. Not a legitimate Gmail app. Not a new notification system. A Frisbee(R) app. As the story goes, Wham-O has linked hands with Kiloo in order to develop the Frisbee Forever app for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, which is said to offer avid iOS gamers "unique challenges and obstacles in a rich complete 3D environment." What kind of challenges, you say? We're hearing that you'll be able to toss a variety of Frisbee models across 100 levels of lush, colorful worlds, but beyond that, most everything else is shrouded in mystery. All will be revealed in May, but till then, we'd encourage you to step outside and actually throw a Frisbee. We hear

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