23.03.2011 18:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Kingston's Class 10 microSD family gets bigger, stays tiny

Kingston is putting an extra boost the smallest of its tiny memory cards. The popular provider of flash storage is upping its 4GB and 8GB microSDHC cards from Class 4 specifications (up to a 4 MB/s transfer rate) to a whopping Class 10 spec and all of its 10 MB/s goodness. The newly announced models join a 16GB version that has been available for several months. By completing the family tree of Class 10 cards, Kingston is offering faster all-round performance for file transfers on smartphones, quicker write times for microSD-wielding cameras and and basically a few seconds of your life back -- at lower prices than before, though you'll still be paying a premium compared to slower cards. Our

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