22.03.2011 15:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

iPad 2 hits 25 countries this Friday

Earlier this morning, Apple announced that the iPad 2 will go on sale in 25 countries this Friday, March 25th. The retail frenzy will begin at 5:00 PM local time via Apple Stores, complete with boisterous, fist-pumping sales staff, and select authorized resellers. Insomniacs can take advantage of online sales which begin at 1:00 AM. As for pricing, here are some numbers. MacStories points out that the Italian pricing is €479,00 for the WiFi 16 GB model, €579,00 for the WiFi 32 GB model and €679,00 for WiFi 64 GB. The WiFi + 3G models will be available for €599,00, €699,00 and €799,00. Meanwhile, in The UK, customers will pay £399.00 for the 16

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