21.03.2011 23:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 specs and Honeycomb UI tweaks leak out before its official launch

You didn't have any doubt that Samsung was going to bring its new Galaxy Tab 8.9 to CTIA, did you? Well, this thing is definitely coming very soon. We snuck onto the show floor this afternoon, and while we didn't find the actual tablet, there was a serious amount of Galaxy Tab 8.9 signage. We couldn't get a close look at the placards, but the guys at PocketNow had better luck. Not only does the 8.9-inch display have a 1280x800-resolution, but the tablet itself is said to be incredibly thin -- it measures just .33-inches thick and weighs 1.03 pounds. It also look

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