21.03.2011 15:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

AT&T launches HTC HD7S with WP7 and LG's 3D-enabled Thrill 4G Android phone

Who says CTIA is going to be overshadowed by news that actually broke prior to the event starting? Okay, so it's entirely possible that the AT&T / T-Mobile buzz will be impossible to ignore here in Orlando, but that's not stopping Ma Bell from rolling out two new (er, rebadged) handsets for those looking for iPhone alternatives. First up is the LG Thrill 4G (available in the "coming months"), an unpriced 4.3-inch superphone that features a glasses-free 3D display, dual 5-megapixel stereoscopic camera, 16GB of preloaded memory (8GB onboard, 8GB microSD card), access to Google

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