19.03.2011 06:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

HTC EVO 3D, EVO View 4G specs revealed ahead of Sprint's CTIA announce?

All signs are pointing to a Sprint blowout at CTIA next week -- and we'll be there, of course! But ahead of that, BGR's claiming a few additional details on the headline devices we scooped not long ago that Sprint should be showing for the first time at the show -- namely, the EVO 3D and EVO View 4G tablet. On the EVO 3D side, this bad boy is shaping up to be a proper EVO 4G successor with a newer 1.2GHz Qualcomm MSM8660 processor, 4.3-inch glasses-free 3D 960 x 540 display (which, like the rumored

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