18.03.2011 16:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Flickr gets iPad-friendly with slideshows

Flickr has announced some improvements to its photo-browsing/sharing website for iPad users. The new light box photo viewer (aka slideshow) enables you to view photos from Flickr's website in a larger format on a black background, similar to what happens when you click on a photo on Flickr's website from your desktop browser. To enter light box mode on your iPad, simply tap on a supported photo on Flickr's website. In light box mode you can move between photos with the swipe of your finger, perfect for showcasing your latest antics to your buddies gathered around you and your iPad. If you're looking for something a little more feature-fancy when viewing your Flickr snaps on your iOS device, it might be worth checking out a third-party app like

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