16.03.2011 17:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Samsung Galaxy Player 4 and 5 to arrive this spring in the US

Remember the Galaxy Player (or Galaxy S WiFi) we saw back at MWC? Sure you do, it basically strips out the 3G and calling functionality of a Galaxy S phone and leaves you with a Android 2.2 media player or shrunken tablet. Well, it looks like both the 4-inch Galaxy Player 4 and the 5-inch Galaxy Player 5 will be headed to the US this spring. Samsung's demoing the players here at its NYC Spring Product Showcase today, although it isn't talking exact timing or pricing. Either way, it looks like this Android 2.2 player (it's upgradable to 2.3, by the way) with full Market access will be headed stateside sometime soon. We'v

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