16.03.2011 01:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Companies to watch, from the SXSW trade show floor

After a tour of the SXSW trade show floor, here are some of the companies we'll be profiling in the coming weeks. Of course, there's always a mix of companies at SXSW: some film, some music, many web services -- but far fewer social media companies than last year. We've covered RedLaser and LaCie in the past, and while LaCie has new products (more hard drives, surprise!) and RedLaser has gone local, I'm going to focus on a few mobile apps and accessories you might not have heard of yet. On the hardware front, there's a portable second monitor solution called Cinq on display. The Cinq attaches to your laptop screen with a sort of clamp, and only needs a USB port to get video and power. It supports 1280x720 resolution and weighs a mere 15 oz. For a 10.1" secondary screen, that's no

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