13.03.2011 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

iPad 2 first impressions: Mel Martin

I was able to grab the new iPad 2 at my local Best Buy yesterday. I arrived about an hour before 5 PM and wound up number 13 in line. I knew the local Apple Store would be a zoo, so the Best Buy worked out well. I asked the people in line with me if they were previous iPad owners. Everyone in line said yes. That may or may not reflect the larger reality, but my guess is most of these buyers are looking for faster, thinner, camera, etc. What are my out of the box impressions? Overall, good. The first thing that struck me is the size. It's really thinner than the original iPad. As my colleague Steve Sande noted, the thinness is easily apparent. It's easier to hold, especially with one hand,

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