12.03.2011 12:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Security firm warns lack of iOS 4.3 update leaves iPhone 3G vulnerable

Security company Sophos is warning iPhone 3G and older iPod touch owners that their devices could be vulnerable to attack following Apple's decision not to make the iOS 4.3 update available to them. In addition to AirPlay improvements and iTunes Home Sharing, the iOS 4.3 update fixes a number of security holes, but it's only available for the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, the iPad and more recent iPod touch models. "[I]f you have an earlier iPhone or iPod touch your device is probably vulnerable to attacks which exploit these security holes, and there is no official patch available for you to protect yourself. That's bad news for the many people who still have an iPhone 3G, for instance," says Graham Clu

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